Friday 27 May 2016

Reasons to have an umbrella at your wedding

Having an umbrella at your wedding is the best decision you will make this year. You cant trust the weather to stay how you want it especially in England, it always rains when it shouldn't. 

The first reason to have an umbrella is pretty obvious, to stay dry! If its chucking it down the walk from the car in the rain is not a fun one!

Your dress gets wet, your hair ends up going frizzy, and your make up and tan starts to run!
Not what you want when your about to walk down the aisle. So invest in a beautiful umbrella to use and still look fab. 

Another reason to invest in some umbrellas for your wedding is for your photos. your wedding photos will last a lifetime so why not make them stand out from everyone else. 
Having amazing wedding photos will make you look back and want to do it all again. 

Make the group photos much more memorable with your umbrellas. If you want to match up to your colour theme and style, you can get them customised to the way you want them to look.

Why not hire umbrellas for all your guests, this is a lovely idea that will keep your guests happy and moral high. 
Soggy guests are grumpy guests! Plus its a good way to keep your colour theme going throughout the wedding.

Hire umbrellas

If I've managed to convince you how good of an idea an umbrella at a wedding is then check out our website for loads more styles.

Amber - Love Umbrellas x

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